Offering services catered to your family’s needs.

What we Provide

Infant Care

Helping Hands provides assistance with newborn care; including feeding, sleep support, bathing, swaddling, and diapering. If you need alone time to bathe, nap, or simply breathe, consider us your trusted, experienced, and safety-trained friends.

Emotional Support 

We understand that the transition to new parenthood is both beautiful and complex. Helping Hands knows growing into this new role is a complicated mix of emotions. We are here to meet you right where you are; to see all that you do and encourage you to take care of yourself.

Household Tasks 

Too tired to wash bottles or organize the baby’s nursery? We’d love to help you. We provide assistance with laundry, dish-washing, light housekeeping, organizing, meal preparation, and errands.

Education and Resources

Helping Hands offers assistance with infant care education, such as understanding infant cues, sleep needs, and soothing techniques. Swaddling, bathing, and diapering your newborn may be new skills to you, but we are happy to help you feel like a pro!

Providing evidence-based information and resources related to childbirth, lactation, and parenting are of utmost importance.  

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.